Admissions Process
Step 1—Tour
Once we have received and reviewed all documents in your student’s admission file, the administration will determine if the student will be eligible to proceed to Step 4.
Step 4—Assessment and Interview
Step 1—Tour
- Come visit our school with your student to learn about our program and see our facilities. You can call or e-mail the school office at 501-225-0068 and [email protected] or contact us online to schedule a tour.
- Agape Academy uses the online platform provided by FACTS for applications. Click here to apply.
- You will begin by creating an account. Then log into your account and “Create A New Student Application” for your student. You will be able to log in and out of your account saving your progress. Once you have completed the application, you will be required to pay the non-refundable $20 online application fee to submit the application.
- Documents you will need to complete the application:
- Birth certificate
- Immunization records
- We require students’ most recent report card (elementary students)
- Most recent standardized test results (elementary students)
- 2 References (previous teacher, principal/director, pastor, and or Sunday school teacher). Reference Documents will be provided by Agape Academy.
- Custody Documentation
Once we have received and reviewed all documents in your student’s admission file, the administration will determine if the student will be eligible to proceed to Step 4.
Step 4—Assessment and Interview
- Assessing students’ academic progress assists administration in determining if Agape Academy will be the best fit for students’ needs. A family interview is conducted by the administration, allowing the staff to get to know the student and family as well as answer any questions either the family or school may have.
- The administration will review your application, all documents, assessment, and interview and will make an admission decision based on this information. Once a decision is made, you will receive an email with the status of your application. If your student is accepted into our program, you will be given further instructions regarding online enrollment, which is the final step in the admission process.