Welcome to Agape AcademyAgape Academy is a non-profit Christian pre school and kindergarten that has served West Little Rock families and the families of Agape Church since 1986.
We believe in the partnership of Family, School and Church to instill a love for learning in the heart of every child at Agape Academy. We measure our success by these criteria:
Our Vision
To partner with family, school and church to instill a love for learning and an environment where children, faith and families can grow together.
We make learning fun for our preschoolers in a variety of creative ways!
We aim to prepare our elementary students for their educational career and life in a variety of ways.
PArent Participation
Parent participation remains a core value of the school. Parent involvement makes a significant statement about the importance of education, reinforces the values of our school, and benefits all of the members of our community.
YOUR CHILDYour child will be excited when you do things for the school. They will see that you are making their school a priority and that you value their education. Knowing your child’s friends, teachers and classmates’ parents strengthens the community.
THE SCHOOLMany support activities could not be done without parent involvement; they also allow us to keep tuition lower than other independent schools.
You as a parentYou will have a better understanding of what is happening at school and, by seeing our wonderful teachers in action, may learn new techniques that you can apply at home.